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People are central to journalism.


I'm Nick McNamara. To me, journalism is both a public service and public utility. It's the fabric weaving together communities of various levels. At grand scale, it assists in people's construction of place. This charges journalists with the responsibility to always place primacy on the desires, interests and needs of the public - the entire public, not just a sliver. It is in this spirit that I strive to fulfill my duty to my neighbors.


I most recently worked as a community and government broadcast journalist in Manhattan, Kansas, but my roots are in Los Angeles County. I graduated in '15 with an associate degree in journalism from Los Angeles Pierce College, in '17 with a bachelor's degree in journalism and minor in Native American studies from Cal State Long Beach, and in '23 with a master's degree in mass communication from Kansas State University.


Outside of journalism and academics you can find me watching hockey or lacrosse, studying and discussing philosophy and religious studies, spending time with Lauren and the cats, or just making memes.


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