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  • Writer's pictureNick McNamara

Estabrook to serve jail time, house arrest following DUI plea

A newly elected Manhattan City Commissioner entered a plea deal Tuesday in his DUI case dating back to April, 2019.

Commissioner-elect Aaron Estabrook pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor in Riley County District Court before Judge John Bosch. Estabrook will serve 48 hours in jail followed by 120 hours of house arrest scheduled for a later date in addition to performing 20 hours of community service.

Estabrook was arrested for the DUI, his second offense, on April 15 after leaving Coco Bolos in Manhattan. Estabrook said in court he has since quit alcohol completely and voluntarily completed an outpatient substance abuse program through the VA. The Army veteran says his first offense came in college after he went drinking upon learning of the death of a friend serving in Iraq.

Judge Bosch commended Estabrook for his actions following his arrest, adding that community service will be an “excellent” way to address what led him to alcohol use. In a statement to KMAN after the proceeding, Estabrook called the events of that day a “lapse of judgment” and says he’s “anxious to accept the responsibility for my actions and put this chapter of my life behind me.”

Estabrook says he’ll be fulfilling his volunteering obligations through services provided by the VA. On top of his sentence, Estabrook will serve 6 months probation and is ordered to pay a fine of $1,250 in addition to $108 in court costs and a probation cost of $60.

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