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  • Writer's pictureNick McNamara

Title IX lawsuit against KSU dismissed

Two plaintiffs in Title IX lawsuits against Kansas State University dismissed their federal suits Tuesday.

The dismissal was filed by the plaintiffs Tuesday and the case was dismissed with prejudice. The courts had previously denied a motion to dismiss by the K-State legal team in March.

The two students alleged K-State administrative officials violated Title IX by failing to take reasonable action to investigate two rapes reported at off-campus fraternity houses. Jared Gihring was sentenced to nearly 13 years in 2017 for one of those crimes.

Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination by educational institutions receiving federal dollars. Fund recipients can also be liable for damages for a “deliberately indifferent response to known sexual harassment by students against other students.”

A K-State press release says no compensation of any kind was provided to either plaintiff and reaffirmed the university responded in accordance with Title 9 upon receiving the students’ reports.

KMAN has reached out for further comment from the plaintiffs’ counsel.

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